Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom

The "Words of Wisdom" video project was a project for Hiki No. Basically what we had to do was find a person with some words of wisdom or advice and interview them. The interview would share a story about the person and then tie in with wisdom or advice. My team for this project was Audrey and Kaylene. We interview Fifth Circuit Family Court Judge Edmund Acoba, but we didn't interview him about his life as a judge. Our interview was about being a karate sensei. Me and Audrey interviewed him and got all the b-roll. Kaylene edited everything, as usual.

In his interview, Edmund talked a lot about how he has to manage his time between his job and teaching karate. That was actually his advice, be sure to manage your time. Also, that you should take time for everything, especially the things you care about. it's important that you aren't so stressed that you want to rip your hair out all the time. For Edmund his release is karate, weather he's teaching, taking a class or going to a seminar or something.

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