Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips For...

We did a "Five Tips" video in our GT class, and my group, Kaylene, Audrey and Kaya, chose the topic "Five Tips For Living Healthy". We chose this topic because it was easy to do and our group agreed on it. We decided to film it all in school during class. Audrey and Kaya were the actresses, I did the voice overs and Kaylene did all the editing. Me and Kaylene also filmed the entire video. Our five tips were:

  • Exercise Often
  • Try Meditating
  • Eat Healthy
  • Remember to Relax
  • Sleep More

To make this video better we could have made sure there was absolutely no camera movement in any of the shots. Also, the voice overs could have been a lot more clear and slow, so that they would be easier to understand and I could have made it sound more natural because in our video it sounds like they were read from a script. One other thing we could have done was add more interesting shots and angles to make the video look better and keep the viewer more interested in what they were watching.

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