Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In our newest project, Words of Wisdom, we interviewed Edmund Acoba. He's a district judge who presides in the Family Court of the Fifth Circuit, and a karate sensei. We went to the Island School Gym, where he teaches karate and interviewed him. We chose to interview him of all people because he has to completely different jobs and a family, but manages to find time to fit them all into his life. There's a lot of people out there balancing their lives between two jobs, and this video could be used to help them. He talked about how he maintains his jobs and doesn't get overwhelmed by them.

B-roll and voice overs are two really important components in an interview. They help a lot in making the story flow better and make it more interesting. B-roll is footage that helps the viewer connect with the video more and they show what the person's talking about. Voice overs are used to take storytelling even further. In this case, we're using voice overs as a sort of transitions that help the story flow better. Transitions make the story flow by taking you from one subject to the next so it makes sense.

I teamed up with Audrey and Kaylene for this project. I think we're doing all right so far. Everyone on the team has their own job to do, and we all do our jobs. Audrey and I did the interview, filmed all the b-roll, and did the transitions. Kaylene's gonna edit everything together. We all did the pre-production planning together, so none of us are sitting around doing nothing all day.

Our rough cut got critiqued by the class the other day. They told us the main things we need to work on are pacing our voice-overs better, and get b-roll from a different place, like the courthouse. We have a camera signed out for the weekend, so that we can get b-roll from the courthouse. Also, we decided to have Audrey redo the voice-overs, so that they're more clear and better paced. Right now she sounds rushed and talks a lot faster then Edmund, which throws off the balance of the video. I think if do those things we can definitely get our video from
good to great!