Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

Three shot sequences are an important part of great visual story telling. They make the video much more visually appealing. They also have technical benefits such as the fact that they promote continuity. Also, sequencing compresses shot time, so your video isn't too long. They will also make your video more professional looking.

To make good three shot sequences you should use a variety of different angles and shot types. Sequencing can make a long boring shot into a shorter more interesting one. Also, in just one continuous shot it can be hard to see whats going on. A sequence will take you from seeing the entire frame to seeing just one detail. Sequences are key in making your video appealing and interesting while it still makes sense.

An example of a three shot sequence could be a wide establishing shot, then a cut in to a medium so you see the subject better, and then a close up to get a better view of all the little details. In our video "Kaya Drinks Water" we start out with a wide establishing shot of Kaya sitting in the grass holding a water bottle. Then we cut to a medium shot of her beginning to open the bottle. There is much less distracting the viewer from looking at Kaya in this shot, compared to the previous one. After the medium shot we cut in even farther to a close up shot of her actually drinking from the bottle, in this shot all you see is Kaya the water bottle, and the background.


  1. Wow! Your video is so good! You guys did a great job, keep up the awesome work!

  2. Hello:) How was your spring break? Your blog is super cool.
